...Words I haven't said in a LONG time. "Let's just order a pizza". Those gluten-free eaters out there know what I'm talkin' about. I mean, GF pizza is out there, but it's usually a drive away, or something special to go out of your way for, or something you just whip up at home. But get delivered?! SOOOO nice.
My husband recently did some googling and found out that Gregory's in Reading, MA has gluten free pizza with crust courtesy of Strawberry Moon!
We got back from our vacation and had almost no food in the house, and just called up & ordered a pizza for dinner. So great! Their sauce is excellent, and we got ours half pepperoni and extra cheese. The crust has a great taste, and a good crunch on the outside (although a tad chewy, but still really good). Yuuummmm:
I like to get my own though because this makes EXCELLENT cold pizza the next day!

That pizza looks so good! My sister and I have a tradition on Friday nights for Pizza and Movie night! I look forward to Fridays, so seeing this pizza excites me for tomorrow even more! lol! I agree, Gluten free pizza is extremely hard to find in NC at a pizza restaurant. Yes, leftover cold pizza..is the best part! yummo
Damn that looks good!
I wish I could eat cheese!! That looks amazing!
YUM! There's a place in Telluride that finally has GF crust but I haven't tried it yet, perhaps if they delivered...
I try to limit my consumption of gluten by baking with GF flours at home but when I'm craving pizza and don't feel like baking, it's hard to find any GF at most restaurants. This one looks great!
Folks in NYC should visit Risotteria which has a full gluten free menu of pasta, panini, risotto and the best GF pizza anywhere!!!
Your idea is magnificent
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