Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Delicious snack

Trader Joe's Vanilla Meringue's.

YUM. 0% fat, not too many calories, tasty & the perfect thing for a sweet craving. The texture is a little wierd, but I love it. We used to make meringue's at home a lot... those tend to be chewier in the center, these are crunchy all the way through, but I love it.

Here's a shot of me picking out Pantone chips & snacking on one:


Jen said...

Ha love it, nothing like eating snacks while color picking! Yeah I knew better than to use the sweet rice flour instead of a mix. I'm just gonna pick up a mix and use that in the future. I love tomatoes and I think these would be really good with the right flour mix and some more seasoning.

J.J. said...

I love those! Trader Joe's is pretty much the most awesome store ever. :)